Please consider nominating a fellow beekeeper(s) for recognition of their accomplishments, contributions, and efforts in the field of beekeeping. The Awards committee seeks members to consider the following:
Beekeeper of the Year: This is a WHPA member who has not previously received the award. Nominations are sought for someone who has made a significant contribution to the honey production industry in Wisconsin, has been an active leader in your local county organization, WHPA and/or ABF, and who stands out as a model of good husbandry, business dealings, and respected in the community.
Education Award: Some beekeepers love to share their knowledge and understanding of beekeeping with others. This person is an accomplished presenter in the area of bees and beekeeping and readily shares the fascinating world of honeybees to garden clubs, community education programs, and local bee clubs.
Youth Award: A WHPA member who is under the age of 20 and who has shown a strong interest and aptitude in beekeeping. This is someone you would be proud to support as a young beekeeper.
The WHPA has also awarded Special Recognition Awards, Distinguished Service, Appreciation, etc.