2025 Wisconsin Honey Queen

The Wisconsin Honey Producers Association is proud to announce that Emily Sydow of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin was selected as the 2025 Wisconsin Honey Queen. Emily is a student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, studying Agricultural Applied Economics with a minor in Public Policy.

2025 WI Honey Queen Emily Sydow

Emily will spend the rest of this year promoting the beekeeping industry in Wisconsin. She is available to speak with civic groups and to appear at fairs, festivals, and farmers markets. She will also give presentations in schools about honeybees and the beekeeping industry. In January 2026, Emily will represent Wisconsin at the American Honey Queen competition at the American Beekeeping Federation Convention in Reno, Nevada.

Follow Honey Queen Emily’s activities on Facebook at Wisconsin Honey Queen Program.

To schedule an appearance or interview with Wisconsin Honey Queen Emily Sydow, contact the Wisconsin Honey Queen Co-Chairs, Danielle Dale and Kim Kester, at 715.572.5391 or by email at wihoneyqueenprogram@gmail.com.

The Wisconsin Honey Queen Program

The Wisconsin Honey Queen spends the year traveling the state, educating the public and promoting the beekeeping and honey industry in Wisconsin.   The Wisconsin Honey Producers Association (WHPA) sponsors the Wisconsin Honey Queen program and annually selects a young woman between the ages of 18 and 24 to serve a year long term as the Wisconsin Honey Queen. The selection is made at the WHPA convention in November. Local honey queens who have served at least 6 months are eligible to compete for the state title.  Candidates applying for the position are judged on an interview, scrapbook as a local honey queen, essay, marketing presentation, and interaction with attendees while at the convention. The Wisconsin Honey Queen spends the year traveling the state, promoting the beekeeping and honey industry in Wisconsin. She is available to speak with students of all ages, agricultural groups, civic groups and youth groups as well as appearing at fairs, festivals, and farmers markets. After crowning her successor at her outgoing WHPA convention, the Wisconsin Honey Queen competes for the American Honey Queen position, sponsored by the American Beekeeping Federation.

We will be seeking a qualified individual to serve as our 2026 Wisconsin Honey Queen in fall. If you are interested in the position, please contact the Wisconsin Honey Queen Co-Chairs, Danielle Dale and Kim Kester, at 715.572.5391 or by email at wihoneyqueenprogram@gmail.com for more information. Additionally, if you would like to start a local honey queen program and sponsor a young woman as a local honey queen, contact Danielle and Kim to get started!

Schedule the Honey Queen >

Interested in becoming the Honey Queen?