Wisconsin State Fair

Wisconsin State Fair

Visit the WHPA Honey Booth at the Wisconsin State Fair August July 31 – August 10, 2025!  Buy real Wisconsin honey and check out the live bees in the observation hive!

Volunteers are needed in the WHPA Honey Booth! Working at the booth is great fun – you can spread the buzz about bees and honey! All volunteers receive a free admission ticket into the WI State Fair. TO VOLUNTEER AT THE WHPA HONEY BOOTH, SIGN UP HERE (LINK WILL RE-OPEN IN SUMMER 2025)!

The WHPA Honey Booth is a place to learn about the importance of bees, honey, and Wisconsin’s beekeeping industry.

The WHPA’s main exposure to the public is at the WI State Fair each August. We are located inside the WI Products Pavilion at the WI State Fair Park in West Allis, WI.  The Honey Booth offers fairgoers a wide variety of honey and honey products for sale from WI beekeepers. There is also a honey sampling station and a live observation hive where the public can see honey bees and a queen working in the hive. WHPA’s Honey Booth is staffed by beekeepers from around the state. It’s a great opportunity for the public to talk to real beekeepers while enjoying treats from the hive.

In addition to bottled honey, the booth also sells honey sticks, beeswax, pollen, lip balm, candles, honey lemonade & honey ice cream. Our most popular product at the fair are the honey sticks. The Honey Booth sells over 40,000 honey sticks during the fair! The WI Honey Queen also offers daily demonstrations during the fair, teaching the public about the benefits of bees and honey.