Welcome to our Wisconsin Honey Producers web site.

We invite you to take a look around and discover.

Whether you are a member beekeeper, someone thinking of keeping bees, looking to find somewhere to buy local honey, or just someone curious about how important bees are to our eco system, we have something for you here.

Our newly redesigned web site tells the story of our member’s hard work, and of how our bees work even harder to make the State of Wisconsin the eighth ranking honey producer in America. How the beekeeper brings to the table of this country one of the healthiest, most flavorful foods. And, how helping the honey bee makes this world a better place for all of us.

What the bees of this state produce is as varied as Wisconsin is itself. From light, flowery and fragrant water white honey to dark, strong buckwheat. There is a flavor of honey to make everyone happy. Honey is a food that not only flavors and sweetens but it also adds important nutritional and medicinal qualities to our lives.

Enjoy what the bees of Wisconsin have produced for you. Buy local honey from a local beekeeper and enjoy the sweetness of life!