Eugene & Georgene Hausner
The WHPA honored Eugene & Georgene Hausner with the 2024 Pioneer Award on November 2 at the WHPA annual Fall Convention.
Eugene & Georgene Hausner were very active in WHPA for decades. They served on many committees and supported the association at conventions, State Fair, summer meetings, and local meetings. Most recently, their service has extended to the Finance Committee with auditing the financial records for the association. While they have stepped back because of health reasons, their love for beekeeping and the WHPA remains.
This couple is highly educated. Eugene holds a degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in Soil Science and Agronomy. He worked for many years in the management and implementation of USDA Programs, providing the WHPA insight to USDA and its programs. He has served as the Village President of Spring Green and on the Southwest Badger Resource Conservation & Development Council, which serves nine counties in Southwestern Wisconsin. He also serves on the leadership team of the Old Franklin Township Historical Society (OFTHS), located in Franklin Township, Sauk County. Georgene attended UW-Stout in Menomonie, earning a degree in Home Economics Education. She worked as a County Home Economics agent following graduation. That training and skill set served her well as a homemaker, raising three children who have built loving families and friendships, successful and meaningful careers, and continued dedication to the beekeeping industry. Her parents were very active in the WHPA and made it an easy transition for Georgene to be active as well.
The highlight of their time in WHPA was the crowning of not one, but two of their daughters as Wisconsin Honey Queen in 1988 and 1995 and the selection of a daughter as the 1996 American Honey Princess. Both supported all three of their daughters’ endeavors and they also provided much support, advice, and feedback for other Wisconsin Honey Queens and their families.
The WHPA Pioneer Award is a “lifetime achievement” award. It is given each year to a member who has shown an unparalleled level of passion and commitment for the WHPA and our industry over the course of their career. The recipient must be a life-long learner and would be someone you would recommend without reservation to mentor a new beekeeper.